Saturday, March 21, 2009

DragnRags - CRESTCares Project

One of the beautiful things about meeting artists is the opportunity to be inspired by the ways they improve our world. Big or small, we all leave our footprints in our work and the lives it touches.

Jen from DragnRags has recently finished this mixed media project:

As you may remember, if you have had access to televised news in the last three months, arson-spawned brushfires have ravaged a large portion of the populated area of Victoria, Australia; leaving thousands homeless. In the last five weeks over five hundred items have been donated and purchased to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal on Etsy, leading to cash donations to the Australian Red Cross of over $15,000 AUD.

She is also working on a block for the SAVE HANDMADE quilt - a project to raise public awareness about the potential harm created by enforcement of the CPSIA.

To collect, support and acknowledge this artist, please visit her shop below:

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